It is fair to say that any home you purchase, unless its brand-new construction, comes with a history. But why is it a good idea to find out about some of that history before making your final decision? Because the house may have been damaged in the past, and depending on how that damage was treated the house may still be suffering the consequences.
Let’s take a home with a history of fire, for example. What kind of long-lasting damage would this cause? As mentioned, a lot will depend on how the damage was dealt with and how quickly it was done. Fire tends to leave behind nasty toxic substances that can stick around for a long time after a fire has been extinguished. There is also the damage that results from smoke. Again, smoke produces hazardous substances that can linger. Smoke also spreads rapidly, filling the entire home, even when the fire is relatively small. If this damage is not treated properly, the house may still contain these hazardous substances.
Water used to put out the flames can also cause a great deal of lasting damage. When you consider the amount of water often needed to put out a house fire, it’s easy to see why there would be so much damage. Water damage must be treated correctly to avoid long-lasting issues like mold etc.
It’s clear to see from this short discussion that you need to discover all you can about the history of the home you are buying. A thorough home inspection is designed to look beyond the outward appearance and discover the property’s true condition.
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