These days, there seems to be an ever-present need to find ways to lower our cost of living. During the hot months, a big expense is cooling the home. So, is there anything we can do to reduce this cost? The following suggestions may be helpful:

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to lessen heat gains is by keeping the blinds or drapes closed during the day on south and west-facing windows. Another very simple way to reduce indoor heat is by turning off lights and appliances when you do not need them.

As the nights become cooler you may want to consider keeping windows open during the evening and night hours – this will help to cool down the house naturally.
Ceiling fans are another way to keep the house cooler as they help to circulate air. You may even want to consider installing awnings over windows and patio doors that face the sun during the hottest parts of the day. These two suggestions will mean an initial cost, but over time, they will help save money.

Are you planning on living in your home for many years to come? If so, you may want to consider some long-term home cooling techniques, such as landscape shading. Landscape shading is done by planting trees and shrubbery in strategic areas so that they shade the house during the hottest time of the year.

These suggestions are just some of the ways you can help lower your home cooling costs.

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